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Date  Bible Reading  Theme  Preacher 
01/12/2024 521 Thessalonians 3:9-13 "Something's missing in my life" PRev Wattson Pualilo
24/11/2024 091 Samuel 2:12-20 "Do you know where you're going to?" PRev Wattson Pualilo
17/11/2024 091 Samuel 1:19-28 "This I Promise You" PRev Wattson Pualilo
10/11/2024 08Ruth 4:13-17 "Just When I Needed You Most" PRev Wattson Pualilo
03/11/2024 42aLuke 4:20-30 "Where Do You Go?" PRev Wattson Pualilo
27/10/2024 43bJohn 11:32-44 "If only..." PRev Wattson Pualilo
20/10/2024 42bLuke 15:1-10 "I'm so lost without you..." PRev Wattson Pualilo
13/10/2024 521 Thessalonians 4:13-18 "This I Promise You" PRev Wattson Pualilo
06/10/2024 21Hebrews 2:5-12 "Take a look at me now" PRev Wattson Pualilo
29/09/2024 21Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 "You've Got a Friend" PRev Wattson Pualilo
22/09/2024 122 Kings 20:1-11 "If Tomorrow Never Comes" PRev Wattson Pualilo
15/09/2024 44bActs 21:1-14 "True" PRev Wattson Pualilo
08/09/2024 19cPsalm 142 "Rescue Me" PRev Wattson Pualilo
01/09/2024 59James 1:17-27 "Man in the Mirror" PRev Wattson Pualilo
25/08/2024 42aLuke 7:36-48 "A Heart Condition" PRev Wattson Pualilo
18/08/2024 111 Kings 3:3-14 "Solomon's Gift" PRev Wattson Pualilo
11/08/2024 46a1 Corinthians 3:9-15 "Church Matters" PRev Wattson Pualilo
04/08/2024 43aJohn 6:24-35 "Bread of Life" PRev Wattson Pualilo
28/07/2024 49Ephesians 3:14-21 "The Power of Love" PRev Wattson Pualilo
21/07/2024 43bJohn 15:12-17 "That's What Friends Are For" PRev Wattson Pualilo
14/07/2024 42bLuke 10:25-37 "A Change in Attitude" PRev Wattson Pualilo
07/07/2024 49Ephesians 4:20-32 "Extreme Makeover" PRev Wattson Pualilo
30/06/2024 41aMark 5:35-43 "Faith in need" PRev Wattson Pualilo
23/06/2024 49Ephesians 6:10-18 "Use it or lose it" PRev Wattson Pualilo
16/06/2024 41aMark 4:26-34 "Kingdom Minded" PRev Wattson Pualilo
09/06/2024 091 Samuel 8:4-11 "King for a Nation" PRev Wattson Pualilo
02/06/2024 47a2 Corinthians 4:5-12 "Cracked but not Broken" PRev Wattson Pualilo
26/05/2024 23aIsaiah 6:1-8 "Let Us Worship God" PRev Wattson Pualilo
19/05/2024 26Ezekiel 37:1-14 "Them dried up bones" PRev Wattson Pualilo
12/05/2024 40bMatthew 11:25-30 "Where do you go?" PRev Wattson Pualilo
05/05/2024 46b1 Corinthians 15:57-58;
Hebrews 3:13-14
"We shall not be moved" PRev Wattson Pualilo
28/04/2024 50Philippians 4:11-14 "I know, I have, I can" PRev Wattson Pualilo
21/04/2024 621 John 3:16-24 "All you need is love" PRev Wattson Pualilo
14/04/2024 44aActs 3:1-10 "The unexpected happened" PRev Wattson Pualilo
07/04/2024 44aActs 4:32-35 "All for one and one for all" PRev Wattson Pualilo
31/03/2024 43bJohn 20:1-18 "Mary's Easter Day Story" /
"The Resurrection is Now!"
WMaria Williams /
Rev Tom Stuart
29/03/2024 42bLuke 23:32-43; Matthew 27:45-49;
Luke 23:44-46; John 19:28-30
"The last words of Jesus" SwRev Phil Swain
(Turramurra UC)
24/03/2024 40bMatthew 21:1-11 "What do you see?" PRev Wattson Pualilo
17/03/2024 47b2 Corinthians 12:1-10 "Am I strong enough?" PRev Wattson Pualilo
10/03/2024 04Numbers 21:4-9 "Look up" PRev Wattson Pualilo
03/03/2024 46a1 Corinthians 1:18-25 "I've got the power" PRev Wattson Pualilo
25/02/2024 102 Samuel 7:1-16 "This is my house" PRev Wattson Pualilo
18/02/2024 01aGenesis 9:8-17 "I saw the sign" PRev Wattson Pualilo
11/02/2024 19bPsalm 46 / Mark 1:29-39 "Quiet time is sometimes good time" /
"Practising silence and solitude"
TRev David Toogood
(Project Reconnect)
04/02/2024 131 Chronicles 4: 4-10 "When you call my name" PRev Wattson Pualilo
28/01/2024 41aMark 1:21-28 "The Power and the Authority" PRev Wattson Pualilo
21/01/2024 32Jonah 3:1-5,10; Mark 1:14-20 "God is with us wherever we go" /
"Call, letting go and picking up"
ARev James Aaron
(Project Reconnect)
14/01/2024 19cPsalm 139:1-6,13-18;
John 1:43-51
"Come now, ready or not" /
"Called to do Great Things"
QRev John Queripel
(Project Reconnect)
07/01/2024 43aJohn 1:29-42 "Revealed and confirmed, next" PRev Wattson Pualilo
31/12/2023 21Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 "To everything, time and tide" PRev Wattson Pualilo
25/12/2023 42aLuke 2:8-14 "Oh, what a night!" PRev Wattson Pualilo
24/12/2023 45aRomans 8:31-39 "What's love got to do with it?" PRev Wattson Pualilo
17/12/2023 43bJohn 15:10-14 "Complete Joy" PRev Wattson Pualilo
10/12/2023 43bJohn 14:22-29 "The missing Peace" PRev Wattson Pualilo
03/12/2023 56Titus 2:11-15 "Hope for Possession" PRev Wattson Pualilo

Reading: 0m 47s (533kMB) mp3

Sermon: 18m 41s (13.6MB) mp3

Sunday 1 December, 2024
Advent 1

Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 3: 9-13
read by Richard Peck
Preacher: Rev Wattson Pualilo
Theme: "Something's missing in my life"

download notice sheet (pdf 243kB)

To enquire about obtaining a sermon recording on CD, or about previous sermons, please contact the church office.